Last year a client of mine asked if she could include her two dogs in their family session.. my answer, "of course," but then we got to talking... one of these dogs- well he was getting a little older, a little more grey, walking a bit slower. He'd been with her.. before kids.. he'd seen some things. As I photographed her family, made her slideshow, I thought to myself, Benson is going to be 9 in September. Most of our family sessions have been taken on trips while in Virginia... sans Benson :( Do I have pictures of him.. of course, but I wanted a session that fit our family and what we love to do with Bens.. and thats head to the dog beach.
As most of you know the last 6 months, well they've been rough, and in all honesty the last 8 years have been one hell of a ride. A combination of hoping for better days and trying to get through the rough ones. Looking back realized I adopted benson 8 years ago the weekend of this photoshoot.. only weeks before my dad's initial diagnosis. eight.years.ago.
And like all faithful best friends... he's seen some days. He's made it 9 years, 7 apartments/ houses, 3 states, 2 kiddos and 1 husband. Numbers 4, 5, 6, 8 and involve times he's run away, thrown up on rugs, played with the kids and that I've wanted to kill him... Not in that order. I can't tell you how many times I've yelled for him to stop barking, or that I nearly cried when I walked into my living room a few months ago and ehe'd eaten an entire box of organic cookies i'd just bought earlier that day. He would pick the organic ones.

As the weeks pass and Ben's once black face becomes more salt and pepper and he's moving a bit slower, a recent trip to the vet and some disheartening news and I decided we just couldn't wait any longer. So in true Jamie fashion.. planning is NOT a strong trait of mine. I texted my good friend and local photographer Leah Hartman Photography on Friday afternoon around 2:30pm and we were on the beach at 5:15. There wasn't time to go shopping, there wasn't time to worry, or bring props. I curled my hair instead of washing it, and grabbed those jeans K is wearing right out of the hamper. We showed up, we were us and Leah caught the love and chaos of our family perfectly. Covered in kisses and sand.
I don't know how much time Benson has left.. if he keeps eating my cookies, it will be less, but I can tell you how full my heart is knowing that we didn't wait and that I'll never have to say.. I wish...
xox, J